The Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program and Virginia Cooperative Extension, in collaboration with Virginia's natural resource agencies, companies, and associations, will be holding their ever-popular 31st Annual Fall Forestry and Wildlife Field Tours starting Oct. 5.

The series of field tours promote wise resource management on private forestlands through discussions and numerous demonstrations held on private, industry, and public lands. The program will focus on science-based management practices, public and private sources of technical and financial management assistance, and networking among landowners and natural resource professionals.

A range of presenters will contribute to lessons about practical techniques that are currently being employed in the area. Committees of local landowners and natural resource professionals plan each tour to ensure the stops and information discussed are relevant.

The following tours will be held:

  • Friday, Oct. 5 in Patrick County
  • Friday, Oct. 12 in Albemarle County
  • Friday, Oct. 19 in Prince George and Surry counties
  • Friday, Oct. 25 in Frederick County

Participants should arrive at sites by 8 a.m. Pre-registration is encouraged, as space is limited on a first-come, first-served basis. A registration fee of $25 per person and $35 per couple for the Patrick County tour or $40 for the remaining three tours is due one week before the tour date. If space is available, registrations will be accepted (for an additional $5) the morning of the tours. Registration fees will cover transportation, refreshments, and lunch.

More information on each of the field tours may be found online or contact Jennifer Gagnon.

The College of Natural Resources at Virginia Tech consistently ranks among the top five programs of its kind in the nation. Faculty members stress both the technical and human elements of natural resources and instill in students a sense of stewardship and land-use ethics. Areas of studies include environmental resource management, fisheries and wildlife sciences, forestry, geospatial and environmental analysis, natural resource recreation, urban forestry, wood science and forest products, geography, and international development.

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