Academic advisors recognized for exemplary advising by Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech presents four Exemplary Academic Advising Awards annually in an effort to recognize the outstanding efforts of faculty and professional advisors and the role they play in retaining students and developing a supportive advising partnership.
Faculty, staff, administrators, and students nominate individuals for the awards each fall. The academic advising award winners receive a plaque, $2,000, induction into the Academy of Advising Excellence, and are honored at the faculty/staff awards ceremony. The career advising award winner receives a framed certificate and $500.
If eligible, the recipients of the exemplary advising awards are also nominated for awards through NACADA (Global Community for Academic Advising). The global awards are presented at an invitation-only ceremony at the NACADA Annual Conference held each fall in varying locations.
Virginia Tech is pleased to announce the 2021 award recipients:
Daniel Newcomb has been awarded winner of the 2021 Alumni Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising by Virginia Tech and was nominated for the Outstanding Advising Award - Primary Advising Role by NACADA. Newcomb serves as an academic and career advisor in the Department of Engineering Education.
James Newcomer, an academic and career advisor in the Department of Engineering Education, wrote in a letter of support: “Daniel is the kind of advisor who pulls out the information that students really need to provide, but that they don’t know they need to provide. He uses his time with them to patiently and meticulously diagnose their problems, articulate their goals, and draw a straight line between what they are doing in school and how it will affect their lives in the future. He builds strong rapport with his students, and it pays off for everyone involved. Daniel is always available for his students and always approachable.”
Shelton Norwood has been awarded winner of the 2021 Provost’s Award for Excellence in Advising by Virginia Tech. Norwood serves as an academic advisor in the Department of Building Construction.
“His compassion shown through deep empathy for the concerns of our students, putting himself in their shoes, checking in with students late at night and on weekends, and providing them resources and the help they need has literally helped save lives as I have come to know from communicating with parents and other university counselors,” wrote Georg Richard, professor and head of the Department of Building Construction, in a letter of support. “To say it through the voice of a parent: ‘Thank you for saying yes. Thank you for being there when [our son] needed you. I hope you know we will pray for you to save more young lives. You are an amazing human.’ ”
Maury Nussbaum has been awarded winner of the 2021 Alumni Award for Excellence in Graduate Academic Advising by Virginia Tech. Nussbaum serves as the Hal G. Prillaman professor in the Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
“The decision to work with Dr. Nussbaum was the best and most impactful decision I made in my time as a graduate student at Virginia Tech. He has an unparalleled dedication to his students, passion for research (even when his students are working in areas that are new or unfamiliar to him), accessibility to students, and responsiveness to student needs. The advisor/advisee relationship is the foundation of quality graduate education. I feel so fortunate that I had the privilege of working with a great advisor.” wrote Linsey Steege, a former industrial and systems engineering Ph.D. student, in a letter of support.
Young T. Kim has been awarded winner of the 2021 Award for Excellence in Career Advising. Kim serves as an associate professor in the Department of Sustainable Biomaterials.
Collin McGuire, a packaging systems and design alumnus, wrote in support of the nomination, saying: “Dr. Kim began every class with interview preparation and resume building advice. He [advised] the Packaging Club, exposing us to industry experts and sharpening our presentation skills. He built a network of [Virginia Tech] packaging alumni to boost career opportunities for his students.”
Another graduate, Amanda Augugliaro, recalled: “He [Kim] cares about a student’s growth in their career from the beginning of their time at Virginia Tech through graduation day and onward. He’s invested in this. The joy it brings him is visible on his face when a student accepts a job.”
Virginia Tech celebrated the award winners and all academic advisors during Global Advising Week, May 2-8.
Written by Chenaye Blankenship